Happy Thanksgiving | Double the Trouble

Happy Thanksgiving you filthy animals! This is where we spend time with our families and friends and engulf in delicious foods and drinks. We invited two families, which meant double the food. We had; two massive turkeys, macaroni pie, fried rice, mashed potato, noodles, pumpkin pie, cranberry pie and a variety of drinks including wine, coke and beer. Basically, it was a bloody feast!

My mother and I also decorated the dining room with leaves from outdoors - my mom literally made me go on a hunt for leaves, but it was fun nonetheless! 

Thanksgiving is one of those holidays where it's less about commerce and more about genuine family time. To be surrounded by people who you love and love you and make you feel happy and blessed, is a wonderful feeling. It's important to take the time to appreciate those in your life and to tell them thank you for being a mother, a father, a brother, a sister, a cousin, and aunt, an uncle and most importantly, a friend.


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