The Filming of Intentions Part I | Screenwriting Process: Carding

I've been planning and starting the process of filming my short film "Intentions", but in order to conduct this project in a proper, well mannered and efficient way, I have to follow some specific guidelines. I'm not a pro at writing short stories or scripts nor am I any good at filming them either (as well as properly oranizing and planning it out), however this is my chance to learn and grow as an aspiring writer and possibly film maker (?) and I've never been so excited, nervous, scared, overwhelmed, eager and passionate about something in a while. I follow this lovely girl name Emily Diana Ruth, who is on Youtube and is a filmmaker. She recently made a film called "The Waters Fine", and although I haven't watched it (yet), I did watch the making of her film, which she so happened to make a playlist of the making of her film and the behind the scenes. Her playlist consists of the step by step process of how she went about creating and planning out her project, which I became hugely inspired by. The first step was the introduction, which is essentially explaining what the film/story is about and all that good stuff. I don't necessarily need to do that because I'm not making videos on it, however I am going to blog about it. The first step, in my case, is essentially the script, which I had already posted months ago, so you can check that out :)
The second step is Screenwriting, which is what I'm currently working on right now. The photos you see down below are what you call "Carding", which is basically writing down story events in order. So I grabbed a couple of colorful cue cards and sticky notes and did just that. It was a bit tedious because I didn't exactly know what to write, so I just wrote pretty much every detail (kind of). There are 85 of these babies. It really does help you visualize the story you've created in your head, that not many people will completely understand. So thanks to Emily for this idea (although I know it's not her own idea). This is only the first step of screenwriting however. The next step is to properly format these cards into screenwriting format, which Emily so kindly suggested to use the site Celtx. I'm excited to use this screenwriting application, because I've never used one before. I'll keep you updated.


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