On May 27th, I celebrated my best friend, Shelly's, 21st birthday! Well she did, but I was apart of it haha. The most stressful part of a friends birthday is figuring out what to get for them. Although I've realized the older you get, the less gifts you have to get for friends because that's usually a "middle school/high school" thing, I only ever go all out for those who are close to me and I appreciate. And Shelly is definitely one of them. She's the artsy kind, like me, except she's actually going to school for it. So you can probably guess there were SO many ideas running through my head. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Besides all the artsy things she's into, she also loves Harry Potter, Disney and anything to do with books. It finally hit me one day - I should re-create the Harry Potter cake in the first film! The one Hagrid made for Harry's birthday and not only spelled it "Happee Birthdae Harry" but also sat on it? Yes! Perfect! I can most definitely do that! And so I did - or at least attempted to. I was super excited to make this cake days leading up to her birthday, and I was so confident that it would turn out really good. Then I actually began to make it... and let's just say, I stayed true to the original cake. (Aka it looks like I really sat on it).
Shelly's mum made this cake for her and it looked so good and MUCH better than mine. She does bake a lot afterall ;)
We went to a really nice haka-chinese restaurant called Chopsticks, which was incredibly good! I'm definitely going back there. Unfortunately, I forgot to take photos of the food... how weird of me?
Happy 21st Birthday Shells! (Although I've literally told you 100x and called you at 12 on the dot and celebrated with you and your boyfriend and family and your birthday was 2 weeks ago). Love you x
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